воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

airplane used values

I really am.
I go between Moscow and St. Pete a lot lately (three times per week, this week, for example). Mostly by train but oftentimes hitchhiking. The latter normally is OK but was complete and utter disaster last time around--I stood in the cold rain for four hours, before I got a guy to drive me around 60 miles to a railroad station, where I boarded a train in about 10 minutes after arriving.

Work is getting to be more and more fun. Iapos;m no longer the newest guy around the block and, for some reason, thereapos;re people who believe that I know what Iapos;m doing. Yeah, right.

I will be teaching a class next spring. The magnitude of this even is yet to dawn upon me but I mainly wish to not screw up. It will be for academic magnet high school kids/college crowd (really, anyone willing to come, as it seems) and will be about economic theory and the statehistory of the international finance.

First, you appear with flowers and a bottle of champagne. Then with a wi-fi router and a pair of slippers. Later, with a bag of groceries and shower gel. Never thought that BSing doormen in womenapos;s dorms would be this easy:-)

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