понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

army erdc military road stabilization wes

So lately I just recently got back with my ex Jonathan and i couldnapos;t be any happier. He just makes me smile and laugh and everytime i talk to him it brings a smile to my face. He is going to TX here in a few weeks for training in the air force. He will be gone for 7 weeks and then we only hope that he gets stationed here in AZ. At least thats what i am hoping for. I no longer talk to one of my best friends from high school because she was fucking up her life and had her kids taken away from her. I went out with my friend Matt looking for his brother and i found her at this crack dealers house. Thats when i knew that things between us would fall apart. I love my God-Children and i treat them as if they were my own. She tries her hardest to get a hold of Matt and it never works. I have told her numerous of times that he doesnapos;t wanna talk to her and another friend of mine has also told her and she told him that if Matt doesnapos;t wanna talk to her then he needs to fess up to her himself and she would leave him alone. I was like whatever lol. At this moment i am glad that i no longer talk to her. I was basically being treated like i was her husband and i donapos;t think so. I wasnapos;t allowed to go anywhere without her and i said bullshit, and still went out anyways :) just because i am a bitch and she knew it :) anyways i will be back to update again :) love you all and will be back soon. MUCH LOVE

and im gonna keep on loving, army erdc military road stabilization wes, army erec, army established.

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