четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


last night i had super bad stomach discomfort at 1 am. It was bad man
move also cannot move sia~ thanks to my mama for taking care for me
i went queensway with chels,emman and andy
then looked around for soceer stuff for cca on sch lol
then chels and i was hiding most of the time
hahai dunno why emman keep askiing me to choose
but yea. Haha bus ride was fun and it was super long and
ate many food
hahasuddenly on our way home,started running after 153
i tell you i donapos;t know where i was going]
then went to mamaapos;s mama house and ate chicken cutlet.
right i wan to go to sch�to see my results
good lucks to me

bussaco, bussaca vcl, bussaca, bussac foret, bussa rebellion 1816.

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