понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

etched plastic

For dinner last night, I went to a nice Balinese place. My table was right on the pool, and the service was high class. I ordered a sampler dish. Each piece was wrapped in a bamboo leaf. From left to right: cinnamon beef, pearl eggs, hot paste in a cucumber dish, cool mildly pickled onions and carrots, something like tofu, coconut, bbq chicken (tender), and three fried items on top of a bead of sweet, crunchy nuts like a granola bar in pieces. I also ordered dessert of homemade gelato wrapped in chocolate and two mixed drinks (and water). I donapos;t want to eat breakfast this morning.

On the dawn of my last day, I lament to announce no Wentworth Miller sightings, but plenty of burly dudes with backpacks. The pickings are slim when you exclude smoking and excess drinking. Also, I opted not to go to an upscale spa. I was willing to spend the $, but I just wanted to sleep and read. Also, due to my period I canapos;t enjoy the variety of fruity baths, so Iapos;ll live without.

I guess I fulfilled the purpose of this visit - to relax and recharge, but I wonapos;t likely be doing anything of this caliber soon. Off to tour Ubud.

(Side thoughts: No culture exchange or international travel is wasted. Forgot to take a picture of a gang. Been enjoying Australian TV.)

certified en financial language planner, etched plastic, etched plaques, etched plaque.

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